Main Page:attendees
From WorkshopOnDeterministicMultiprocessingAndParallelProgramming
- Vikram Adve, University of Illinois
- Saman Amarasinghe, MIT
- David August, Princeton
- Tom Bergan, University of Washington
- Emery Berger, University of Massachusetts
- Guy Blelloch, CMU
- Robert Bocchino, University of Illinois
- Hans Boehm, HP Labs
- David Callahan, Microsoft
- Luis Ceze, University of Washington
- J. Michael Coyle, US Army Research Office
- Joe Devietti, University of Washington
- Joe Duffy, Microsoft
- David Gay, Intel
- Anwar Ghuloum, Intel
- Dan Grossman, University of Washington
- Niklas Gustafsson, Microsoft
- Derek Hower, University of Wisconsin
- Kath Knobe, Intel
- Milind Kulkarni, Purdue University
- Jim Larus, Microsoft
- David May, University of Bristol and XMOS
- Madan Musuvathi, Microsoft
- Marek Olszewski, MIT
- Kunle Olukotun, Stanford
- Mark Oskin, University of Washington and PetraVM
- Jens Palsberg, UCLA
- Keshav Pingali, UT Austin
- Shaz Qadeer, Microsoft
- Ravi Rajwar, Intel
- Martin Rinard, MIT
- Vijay Saraswat, IBM Research
- Koushik Sen, UC Berkeley
- Larry Snyder, University of Washington
- Burton Smith, Microsoft
- Marc Snir, University of Illinois
- Guri Sohi, University of Wisconsin
- Karin Strauss, Microsoft
- Josep Torrellas, University of Illinois
- John Zahorjan, University of Washington